Process: Update my IBM meeting calendar

Posted: - Modified: | delegation

  1. Log on to and to in two windows. Arrange them so that you can see both windows.
  2. Click on the IBM Upcoming Events label in the mail window, and open the e-mail for today.
  3. Click on the down arrow next to the IBM meetings calendar in the calendar window, and choose Display only this calendar. Switch to the Agenda view for convenience.
  4. For each item in the list, verify that it is on the IBM meetings calendar. Create it if necessary. Review the next three days of events and remove events that are no longer listed in the e-mail, including the removed events in an e-mail to me.
  5. Restore my Google Calendar view by clicking on all the other calendars so that all the calendars are displayed.
  6. If you notice conflicts for meetings over the next three days, include those conflicts in an e-mail to me. Do not e-mail me if no conflicts or removed events have been found.
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